Appointment Policies

Please call us at (415) 441-7766 to make an appointment. You can also request an appointment here

No charge will be made for rescheduling your appointment if a 24 hour notice is given to us so that your child's reserved time can be given to another patient. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a rescheduling fee of $50 for each missed appointment.

Every effort will be made to be on time for your child's appointment. However, no one can predict a child's behavior at any one appointment so there may be times that our office will be running behind time. We will sometimes need to adjust our schedule in order to accommodate a child who has been injured in an accident.

Please accept our apologies ahead of time should such a delay occur during your child's appointment. Please understand that we will do exactly the same if your child is ever in need of emergency care.

Sometimes a pediatric dental office has to run on "Children's Time."


  • Our fees are based on the actual work provided for your child.

  • Payment is required at each appointment as services are rendered and can be made by cash, check, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard.

  • Please be aware that whichever parent brings your child to our office is responsible for all co-payments due the day of treatment.

  • We cannot send statements to other people.

Financial Policy

Payment is expected in full at the time services are provided for your child. When this is not possible, Financial Arrangements must be made prior to treatment. Any previous Past Due Family Account Balance must be cleared prior to scheduling any future appointments.